厦门凤展胶辊制造有限公司按照高精度要求加工制成,并通过严格完善的检测手段检验。 敬请客户使用前详细阅读以下注意事项:
在搬运胶辊时,任何情况下均不允许胶辊的外表受外力、锐器撞击 避免胶辊的外表面受伤,影响胶辊的正常使用。
胶辊应立放或支撑轴颈存放,不要相互挤压在一起:臭氧能够破坏 胶辊的表面,使橡胶过早老化和龟裂。为了在存储中保护胶辊的表面, 必须在包裹后,放在一个漆黑的房间里远离潜在的臭氧源,并防止高温 变形和防潮。
装卸胶辊时应小心。无论何时,使用举重机搬运,必须使用尼龙钓 钩按平衡吊起,尽可能不让钓具接触胶面,避免拉伤胶辊。
精工胶辊是在精密外圆磨床上,采用特种砂轮精磨而成。客户在使 用一段时间后若需要修磨表面,尽可能与我公司联系或找专业厂家进行 修磨,使用前要严格检测胶辊的同心度/圆柱度/光洁度以及胶辊表面, 方可使用。
清洁胶辊时,我们推荐使用酒精;如果一定要使用强烈溶剂,如甲苯、 乙酸乙酯等:请不要用此类溶剂冲洗胶辊或将胶辊浸没在溶剂中:而应 该用浸有溶剂的棉纱或抹布,拧干后擦拭胶辊,待胶辊表面完全干燥后 方可使用。静电吸墨胶辊,纸张压印导电辊,要经常清洗胶辊两端轴面, 以保持其原有的导电性能。
Maintenance instruction
Avoiding the roller surface touch the pressure, sharp stuffs etc.
Rubber rollers must stand or support both shafts, do not put it with other stuffs together. the ozone can cause the roller surface aging. so it should be stored in the dark, dry place and farway from ozone area.
Load and unload
Whenever it should be careful to avoid the hard/sh- arpstuffs touch the roller surface.
Repare and re-polish
The rubber rollers were polished by the precise cyli- ndrical grinder, customers should choose the profe- ssional company do it or contact us directly, otherw- ise it may cause the result which unexpect, such as the concentricity, cylindricity and glossiness.
For cleanning the roller, we strongly recommend use ethyl alcohol. Please do not flash or steep the roller if it must be cleaned by methylbenzene, eth- yl acetate etc, the suitable way is using the cotton yarn or cotton cloth. For the static blotting ink roller and electric paper press roller should keep both bear parts clean for insuring the conductivity.